The information on this page was collected from public resources.

Which banks can be used for housing assistance for IDPs?

In the case of registration of the service of payment of housing assistance to an internally displaced person via the Diia Portal, you can choose one of the following banks: Universal Bank (Monobank), PrivatBank, Alfa-Bank, A-Bank, Ukrgasbank, Oschadbank, Raiffeisen Bank Aval, IdeaBank, Bank Vostok, FUIB, izibank, Pravex Bank, Taskombank (Sportbank).

The list of partner banks will be updated as they connect to the service.

Who is entitled to housing assistance?

These categories include:

  • persons who moved from the territory temporarily occupied by the Russian Federation to the territory of Ukraine, as well as the territory of administrative-territorial units where hostilities are taking place (the list of territories is approved by the Order of the Ministry of Reintegration);
  • persons whose housing is destroyed or uninhabitable due to damage, subject to the submission of documentary evidence from local self-government bodies of the damage/destruction of immovable property as a result of hostilities, acts of terrorism, sabotage caused by the military aggression of the Russian Federation.

Aid is not provided to internally displaced persons who have been registered as IDPs until 24.02.2022 in regions that are not included in the list of territorial communities that are located in the area of โ€‹โ€‹military (combat) operations or that are under temporary occupation, encirclement (blockade), except for persons who received monthly targeted assistance to internally displaced persons to cover living expenses, including for the payment of housing and communal services, and persons who have moved once more from the territory of Ukraine temporarily occupied by the Russian Federation, the territories where hostilities are taking place or temporarily occupied by the Russian Federation after February 24, 2022.

How to apply for housing assistance for IDPs?

This can be done in person at the bodies of social protection of the population at the place of your actual stay, the administrative service center (TsNAP), or via the mobile application โ€œDiiaโ€.

To receive assistance, an IDP fills out an application that states:

  • surname, first name, patronymic (if available) of the applicant;
  • taxpayer registration card number;
  • date of birth;
  • information about the declared/registered place of residence on the territory of the administrative-territorial unit from where the person moved;
  • the address of the place where the person moved to and the contact phone number;
  • number of a current account with a special mode of use for crediting the โ€œeAidโ€ assistance or a bank account number (according to the IBAN standard);
  • having the status of a person with a disability;
  • information about minor children who moved with IDPs.

Information about a minor child is included in the application of one of the parents. For any questions regarding the status of IDPs and the calculation of benefits, we recommend contacting the hotline that operates 24 hours a day in Ukraine: 1545 (*After connecting, press 1).

Which card should be indicated when applying for the certificate of IDPs offline at the Department of Labor and Social Protection Administration?

When applying for an IDP certificate in person at government agencies, you can provide the card details for payments. If you wish to provide credit card details, we recommend that you consult the bank that issued your card regarding the possibility of transferring funds to it.

Will it be possible to change the account details offline if the bank issued outdated data during the registration of the service?

Yes, changing the account to receive financial assistance will be possible. To do this, you must contact the Department of Social Protection of the Population and submit an application.

After receiving the certificate and calculation of monetary payment, the IDP moved to another location. What actions should the IDP take?

According to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 509 dated 10.01.2014 โ€œOn Registration of Internally Displaced Personsโ€, an internally displaced person is obliged to notify the authorized body of the new place of residence about the change of residence within ten days from the day of arrival at the new place of residence.

What are the reasons for the termination of housing assistance for IDPs?

These payments are suspended or terminated if:

  1. The fact of illegal receipt of assistance is recorded;
  2. The certificate of an internally displaced person is canceled (read about the grounds for canceling the validity of the certificate, Article 12.

Additionally: If an IDP illegally or repeatedly receives housing assistance for a certain period, the amount of the paid assistance is returned by the person voluntarily or at the request of the social protection body to the account of the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine.

Organizations that provide financial assistance to displaced persons.

1. Charity organization "BHA & Save The Children".

Such help can be received by:

  • families of immigrants who do not have a safe place to live;
  • victims of sudden shelling of households, families who lost a family member, means of livelihood as a result of the war;
  • families of displaced persons who do not have safe housing and meet at least one criterion:

1) the family is supported by a woman;

2) or an elderly person (60+);

3) or a person with a disability;

4) a family with a child and people with a disability, chronic illness, temporary injury (fracture, postoperative condition, etc.);

5) a family with a child and an elderly person;

6) a family with two or more children;

7) a family with a child under care;

8) a family with a pregnant woman or a mother who is breastfeeding a child under the age of two.

You can learn more about the program by contacting:

IMPORTANT: The organization cooperates with local city authorities, and it is they who provide lists of families that meet the criteria. The criteria are excellent in all regions .

2. Gate to Ukraine platform.

Financial assistance in the amount of $100 (provided once).

Can receive:

  • people from the zone of active hostilities;
  • as well as de-occupied/occupied territories;
  • who have at least one minor child.

What are the conditions of receipt?

It is necessary to fill out the form at the link (after that, the application is checked, it is translated into English and posted on the website ). Funds are sent to a card or bank account.

ADDITIONAL: After receiving the funds, Gate to Ukraine asks you to record a short thank-you video for your sponsor.

What financial aid can those who were or are still in captivity receive from the state?

According to the Ministry of Reintegration, persons who have been deprived of their liberty as a result of armed aggression against Ukraine may receive annual and one-time state financial assistance.

In particular, financial support in the amount of 100,000 hryvnias annually is provided for the duration of the stay of such persons in places of detention. Members of their families can apply for this assistance.

After release from captivity, these persons are entitled to a one-time payment of 100,000 hryvnias from the state.

In order to receive state aid, it is necessary to apply to the Ministry of Reintegration.

An example of an application and a list of required documents are given at the link:ย 

What benefits can immigrants in Ukraine receive?

1. Guarantees for financial assistance:

  • IDPs can receive a monthly state allowance for accommodation โ€” UAH 2,000 for adults and UAH 3,000 for children and people with disabilities. Currently, such payments are issued only to residents of certain communities (the current list can be viewed on the website of the Ministry of Reintegration).

2. Compensation of housing costs from the state:

  • IDPs have the right to free temporary accommodation for 6 months from the moment of being registered as an IDP (provided they pay utility bills). This period can be extended for large families, persons with disabilities, and the elderly.
  • Citizens who sheltered IDPs from temporarily occupied territories or zones of military (combat) operations or IDPs whose housing was destroyed or uninhabitable as a result of the military aggression of the Russian Federation for free can receive compensation for utility services.
  • IDPs who do not have their own housing or whose housing has been destroyed have the right to receive temporary housing from housing funds. Housing is provided free of charge for a period of up to one year with the possibility of extension for the next period.

3. Benefits in the field of education:

  • A child with IDP status can continue studying in any general secondary education institution at the new place of residence, even if he does not have documents certifying his identity.
  • Immigrant students can apply for budget places in Ukrainian universities.

4. Guarantees in the sphere of realization of medical rights:

  • IDPs have the opportunity to receive a doctor's consultation in any hospital. It is not necessary to make a declaration with a doctor for this.
  • Patients with cardiovascular diseases, diabetes (type 1/type 2), diabetes insipidus, bronchial asthma, mental and behavioral disorders, epilepsy can receive medicines under the "Affordable Medicines" program - free of charge or with a small surcharge.
  • If a child or an adult immigrant missed a scheduled vaccination according to the National Vaccination Calendar, it is possible to get vaccinated at the new place of residence.

5. Housing loans and debt relief:

  • In order to receive a loan for housing, IDPs can apply for participation in the program "Provision of preferential mortgage loans to internally displaced persons" of the State Fund for the Promotion of Youth Housing Construction.
  • Owners of destroyed credit property can apply to banks for debt cancellation, and if the housing purchased on credit is damaged/requires repair/found in a temporarily occupied territory or in a war zone, apply for a suspension of payment of the monetary obligation.
  • IDPs are released from the negative consequences of their violation of monetary obligations under the credit agreement.

6. Compensation for employment of IDPs:

  • Entrepreneurs who employ migrants can receive UAH 6,700 each. Compensation in the amount of one minimum salary can be received for two months โ€” for the first and second month of the IDP's work.

The publication is informative in nature and may require updating over time.

Submission of documents for the assignment of assistance for the birth of a child abroad

The Cabinet of Ministers settled the issue of granting child birth assistance to parents who are abroad.

From now on, parents who had a child during their temporary stay abroad can remotely submit documents for the appointment of child birth assistance.

Previously, women could receive such assistance only after returning to Ukraine, by personally applying to the social protection body. Now a woman will be able to receive Ukrainian child support in the country where she received temporary shelter.

In order to appoint assistance at the birth of a child during a temporary stay abroad, it is necessary:

  • open a bank account for social payments (such an account can be opened remotely without the need for a personal visit);
  • fill out an application for the appointment of assistance at the birth of a child (application form at the link:;
  • add to the application documents certifying the birth of the child issued by the competent authorities of the host country and legalized in the established manner;
  • to send a statement and documents certifying the birth of a child to the social protection body at your registered (declared) place of residence (stay) in Ukraine by postal means.

The body of social protection of the population, to which the application and documents will be sent, will carry out the assignment of assistance.

The due funds will be transferred to a personal account opened in a bank. The deadline for applying for help is 12 months after the birth of the child. If 12 months have passed since the birth of your child, you have time to submit an application until July 30, 2023 (the submission deadline has been extended for the period of quarantine, which is valid until June 30, 2023, and one month after the date of its end).


What benefits can evacuees from dangerous regions get?

Payments will be available to both persons evacuating by trains and special evacuation buses.


  • UAH 2,000 per adult;
  • From UAH 1,000 for children under the age of 18;
  • From UAH 1,000 for persons with disabilities.

In order to receive funds, you need to provide an identity document, an identification code, a child's birth certificate and an appropriate supporting document for persons with disabilities.

If you plan to evacuate, you need to notify the local authorities in advance so that they can forward the lists and categories of evacuating persons to the regional military administration.

If you have questions about evacuation, contact:

  • crisis response hotline: 15-48
  • or to the hotline of the Commissioner for IDPs at the number: (066) 813-62-39.


What payments are there for residents of exempted territories?
  1. 1200 hryvnias from the Red Cross Society of Ukraine.
    It is paid to residents of the de-occupied territories of Kharkiv, Kherson, Donetsk, Luhansk and Mykolaiv regions.
  2. 2200 hryvnias for 3 months from the International Organization for Migration.
    Apologies to the residents of the liberated territories of Kharkiv Oblast, Kherson Oblast and Donetsk Oblast.
  3. 2000 hryvnias per adult and 3000 hryvnias for children and persons with disabilities.
    This is aid from the state, which is paid to those who left the dangerous areas of the Donetsk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions in free evacuation cars on trains or evacuation buses. Funds can be collected at the arrival stations in mobile branches of Ukrposhta.


Financial aid from the UN International Organization for Migration to the victims of the explosion of the Kakhovskaya HPP.

Who can get help?

Victims of the man-made disaster who lived in these territories at the time of the emergency.

Persons who left the flooded areas of the temporarily occupied territory to the controlled territory of Ukraine from June 6 are also entitled to receive payments.

Where to apply?

  1. An authorized family member must personally submit an application to the authority.
  2. Social security at the place of actual stay or transfer it through the head of the village or city military administration or a person authorized by him.

What documents are required?

  • An original or a copy of an identity document.
  • The original or a copy of the registration number of the taxpayer's registration card.
  • To receive child support - a birth certificate.
  • During the registration of the child, it is also necessary to indicate the number of the tax payer's registration card of the father or mother.

How are payments made?

  1. The local authorities in the relevant territory are responsible for forming the lists and making a decision on the allocation of financial assistance.
  2. Payments can be received at the Ukrposhta branch at the place of actual stay. Pre-evacuated residents will receive an SMS notification.


Financial assistance to civilians injured by explosive objects.

NGO "Association of Sappers of Ukraine" within the framework of projects with international organizations provides financial assistance to civilians who have suffered from explosive objects.

Project geography: Chernihiv, Sumy, Kherson, Kharkiv, Mykolaiv, Zaporizhzhya, Odesa, Poltava, Dnipropetrovsk, Vinnytsia, Lviv, Kyiv regions and the city of Kyiv. To get help, you need to fill out the registration form.


How to protect yourself from fraudsters?

During the war, many organizations offered financial assistance to the affected Ukrainians. Most often, funds are paid to the applicant's credit card. How not to run into fraudsters who can take your data by deception?

While each organization has its own requirements for registering applicants, remember that verified organizations will never ask:

  • card expiration date;
  • CVV;
  • passwords and PIN codes.

In addition, remember other safety rules:

  • do not enter personal data on unverified sites;
  • check hyperlinks and other information for compliance with official data of organizations;
  • do not open questionable emails, messages and links.

Be careful and trust only official sources.

Grants for micro-businesses in Ukraine.

From July 1, a new grant project for micro-businesses will start, aimed at ensuring the continuity of activities and the restoration of displaced enterprises.

The project provides non-refundable financing in the amount of up to 4,000 euros for about 750 micro-businesses within 6 months after selection. Funds can be used to replace damaged equipment, moving or return shipping costs, or working capital needs.

The following can apply for a grant:

1. Micro-enterprises in the most affected regions (Mykolaiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhzhya, Kharkiv, Donetsk, Kyiv, Chernihiv, Sumy, Luhansk and Kherson regions).

2. Businesses that have returned to de-occupied territories (previously occupied territories of Kyiv, Chernihiv, Kharkiv, Kherson, Donetsk and Sumy regions or other regions that will be de-occupied at the time of submission of grant applications).

3. Companies important for the provision of basic goods and services in all controlled areas.

You can submit an application in the Diia application.


Financial assistance for Ukrainian business from Mercy Corps.

Ukrainian businesses can receive financial assistance from the international humanitarian organization Mercy Corps within the framework of the recently launched Program to Support the Economic Stability of Ukraine.

Mercy Corps currently has the following programs:

  1. $1,500 for internally displaced persons in the Dnipropetrovsk region to restore the micro-business lost due to the war and start their own business.
  2. $1,500 for the restoration of small farming activities lost due to the war. The program is designed for small farmers and households who have the status of IDPs, as well as local small farmers whose activities have been significantly affected by the war, in Poltava, Sumy, and Chernihiv regions. แ… แ… แ… แ… แ… แ… แ… แ… แ… แ… แ… แ… แ… แ… แ… แ… แ… แ… แ… แ… แ… แ… แ… แ… 
  3. $40,000 for small and medium-sized farming enterprises located in Kyiv, Poltava, Sumy and Chernihiv regions, to overcome the consequences of the war in agriculture.
  4. $20,000 for small and medium-sized businesses that have already relocated to Kyiv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Lviv, and Ternopil regions, or are in the process of relocation due to the war. แ… แ… แ… แ… แ…  แ… แ… แ… แ… แ… แ… แ… แ… แ… แ… 

You can read more detailed information and terms of participation in the programs on the Mercy Corps website.

Mercy Corps website:ย 

Changes to the payment procedure for IDPs: who will not receive assistance?

Recently, the government adopted Resolution No. 332 on housing payments to internally displaced persons. As reported by the Ministry of Reintegration, from now on:

- New recipients of assistance will receive payments for a period of 6 months.

-ย  Payments will be stopped for those who:

  • stay abroad for more than 30 calendar days in a row;
  • actually returned to the abandoned place of residence;
  • are serving sentences in places of deprivation of liberty;
  • were convicted of crimes against the foundations of national security of Ukraine.

4. In the period after the entry into force of Resolution No. 332, lose the right to payments:

  • purchased a vehicle that is less than 5 years old;
  • bought real estate worth more than 100,000 hryvnias;
  • have funds totaling more than UAH 100,000 in a deposit bank account;
  • bought foreign currency (except currency received from charitable organizations or purchased to pay for medical, social, educational services), as well as bank metals for a total amount of over 100,000 hryvnias;
  • own housing located in territories where hostilities are not taking place and which are not temporarily occupied.

Resettled persons will undergo verification and, in case of non-compliance with the requirements, they will be deprived of payments, which they will be duly informed about. For the rest of the resettled people, payments will continue automatically.


Who among the IDPs will receive assistance within 12 months?

In the previous publication, we talked about changes in the payment procedure for internally displaced persons (IDPs). According to them, from August 1, resettled people will receive housing assistance for a period of 6 months.

However, as reported by the Ministry of Reintegration, certain categories of IDPs will receive payments within 12 months. These are families who are in difficult life circumstances, namely:

1. The average monthly total income per recipient does not exceed four amounts of the subsistence minimum for persons who have lost their ability to work.

2. The family includes persons of working age who:

  • take care of children until they reach the age of six (inclusive);
  • have three or more children under the age of 18 and take care of them;
  • are persons with disabilities;
  • are citizens who take care of persons with disabilities of the I group or children with disabilities, etc.

3. The family includes an unemployed person of working age who, during the first 6 months of receiving assistance, contributed to their economic independence (for example, got a job, registered at the employment center as unemployed, registered as an individual entrepreneur, received assistance to gain economic independence, etc.) and whose average monthly income does not exceed three times the subsistence minimum for persons who have lost their ability to work.

4. An internally displaced person has lost work capacity or has reached retirement age, and the amount of his pension does not reach three subsistence minimums for persons who have lost work capacity.

5. Minors and minor children who arrived unaccompanied by a legal representative.


Financial assistance to the elderly.

Which pensioners can receive a care allowance (pension supplement)?

Who is eligible to receive assistance?

  • Pensioners who have reached the age of 80, have no able-bodied relatives and need constant care from outside.

What documents do I need to provide?

  • application
  • passport
  • identification number;
  • an extract from the Pension Fund stating that the pensioner does not receive a pensioner care allowance;
  • a conclusion of the Medical Advisory Commission (MAC) stating that the applicant needs constant third-party care.

Where to apply?

To the department of social protection of the population at the place of registration or at the place of actual residence.

The condition for receiving this payment is the receipt of an old-age pension.

For more detailed advice, please call 044 289 87 89.

Cash assistance from UNHCR for rent.

Internally displaced persons can receive financial assistance for rent from the Right to Protection CF and the UNHCR. The program is available in Kyiv, Cherkasy and Kirovohrad regions.

The purpose of the program is to reimburse the cost of renting housing for internally displaced persons and their families for 6 months.

The program is open to IDPs who were forced to move after February 24, 2022 and have not yet received targeted rental assistance from international organizations.

Also, IDPs must belong to one of the following categories of population:

  1. reside in a place of compact settlement and are ready to continue renting housing after the program is completed;
  2. live in a place of compact settlement that is going to be disbanded;
  3. are at risk of eviction/loss of rented housing and have at least one of the following vulnerability criteria;
  4. recently displaced families who do not want to live in CCs and have at least one of the vulnerability criteria listed below.

Mandatory vulnerability criteria for the "3" and "4" population categories are:

  • a family with only one parent with one or more children under the age of 18 or with elderly persons over 55 years of age;
  • a family headed by one single/multiple single elderly persons aged 55 or older or an elderly person with one or more children under the age of 18;
  • a family with one or more persons with special needs;
  • families taking care of unaccompanied children (with documentary evidence).

You can apply only in person at the data collection point. All family members must be present.

The list of required documents and addresses of data collection points can be found at the link:ย 

Government program "Grant for Your Own Business".

The "Grant for Your Own Business" project was launched on July 1 last year and is one of the eRoboty programs. Under this program, you can get a microgrant for starting or developing a business in the amount of UAH 50 to 250 thousand. A prerequisite is the creation of new jobs within 6 months of receiving the funds.

๐Ÿ‘‰ Who can apply for a grant?

Future entrepreneurs, existing sole proprietors or legal entities.

๐Ÿ‘‰ What is the amount of the grant?

From 50 to 250 thousand hryvnias.

๐Ÿ‘‰ What can the grant be used for?

  • purchase of equipment;
  • purchase of raw materials;
  • rent (no more than 25% of the grant amount);
  • leasing of equipment

๐Ÿ‘‰ Do you have to return the grant to the state?

Only if you do not fulfill your obligations to the state, i.e., do not create jobs in accordance with the amount of the grant.

How to get a grant?

  1. Register or log in to the citizen's account on the portal using BankID or an electronic signature.
  2. Fill out the online application.
  3. Attach a business plan.
  4. Sign with an electronic signature and submit.

To apply and learn more about the program, please follow the link:ย 

Financial aid from the Estonian Refugee Council for residents of six regions (Zaporizhzhia, Donetsk, Luhansk, Kharkiv, Kherson, Mykolaiv).

The amount of assistance will be UAH 3,600 per month for one person for 3 months.

The assistance is provided to residents of the following regions: Zaporizhzhia, Donetsk, Luhansk, Kharkiv, Kherson, Mykolaiv regions.

You can apply 6 months after receiving the previous payment. Priority is given to the most vulnerable categories of the population.

To receive assistance, you need to:

  1. Apply by phone: (067) 105-28-03 (from 09:00 to 12:00).
  2. Fill out the online form (
  3. Wait for the application to be processed. You can check its status by following the link: More information about the program and conditions of participation can be found here:

For the link to be active, copy it from your computer or laptop or enter it manually in your browser's search bar (for convenience, we have shortened the link to six characters after

We remind you that we are only providing information about available financial support programs.

For more detailed information, please contact the program organizers.