«Homecoming» is an international project that provides key information and resources for Ukrainians returning to Ukraine. It is implemented by United for Ukraine (UFU) in cooperation with NGO MySyla with the support of the Ministry of Economy and the State Employment Service of Ukraine. The information on this page was collected from publicly available resources.

Information about temporary housing in Ukraine if you are an IDP<>

Hotline numbers for free accommodation in the western regions of Ukraine settlement in the western regions:

Transcarpathian region +38 096 284 33 68

Caritas Ukraine offices in the western region, that help with accommodation:

  • Caritas Drohobych: +380 67 779 62 24

If you receive IDP status and an IDP certificate, you can get temporary housing for free from the state. Housing is provided for a year, possibly extending this period, if the family needs further support. support. IDPs only need to pay for utilities. services.

To get housing, you need to be registered by contacting to the center for the provision of administrative services, the responsible local government body, or the military-civilian administration at the place of IDP registration. IDPs must Submit an application for registration with the signatures of all adult family members family members, as well as provide all the necessary documents (for a complete list, please see Cabinet of Ministers Resolution No. 495 dated 29.04.2022)

The priority of providing housing to IDPs is determined by the number of points an internally displaced person or family receives or family.

Priority categories:

After submitting the application and documents, a decision is made on the registration of IDPs. Then, in the order of priority according to a point system and subject to availability of housing, the IDPs are provided with a room and an order to move in. After the order is issued, a contract for the use of housing, and it is the agreement together with the warrant that is the basis for moving into a dwelling from the housing stock and using it and use it on contractual terms. Source of information

eOseliia - a new program of affordable housing loans<>

eOseliia - is a new affordable mortgage program initiated by the President of of Ukraine. The program is aimed at providing Ukrainians with low-interest loans for housing at low interest rates and for a long term.

The program is open to military personnel, law enforcement officers, doctors, educators and scientists. For them the most favorable loan terms are provided for them - a loan at 3% for up to 20 years with a down payment of 20%.

You can apply through the Diia app. The application will be considered within 3 days. The application must specify:

  • marital status;
  • data of the other spouse;
  • number of children under 18 years of age;
  • average monthly family income.

You also need to specify the information about the desired housing and bank. В You can choose only one bank from the list in one application: Oschadbank, Privatbank, Ukrgasbank, Globus Bank, and Sky Bank.

Next, you need to wait for a response with the bank's offer within 24 hours and further instructions.

The next stage: Choosing a home. You will need to collect documents and submit them to the bank. After that, sign a housing purchase agreement and a mortgage agreement. The area of housing for which you can take out a loan depends on the size of the family. For one person, it is an apartment of no more than 52.5 square meters. For each subsequent member of the family member is allowed an additional 21 square meters.

Under the terms of the program, you can look for housing both among new buildings, and "lived-in" houses. An apartment in an apartment building house must be put into operation no earlier than than 10 years before the date of the agreement, if such the property is located in the regional center.

Sites and platforms that contain housing ads: